Local Power is an advocacy group of local energy companies from Finland.
Our members produce, sell and distribute electricity, district heating and related services. Local Power aims to advance open markets and fair competition, and to defend the versatility of energy markets in order to guarantee freedom of choice for consumers.
Contribution to the future EU Strategy on Energy System Integration 5.6.2020
The basis for a truly integrated energy system should be a well-functioning, transparent energy market, where suppliers and consumers can meet each other easilyFeedback on the EU's 2030 Climate Target Plan 5.6.2020
Paikallisvoima (Local Power) appreciates this opportunity to give feedback on the 2030 Climate Target Plan. In our view, climate change is a global threat and the EU-level action is needed to counter it. Therefore, we welcome the Commission’s plan of setting a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and see adjusting the GHG emission reduction targets for 2030 as important for reaching that target."Local energy companies are needed to reach climate goals" 30.9.2019
Local Power Finland to organise a joint seminar with Geode in Brussels 9.9.2019
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